Psychological Preparation ![]()
In function of time and length away: Psychological preparation for an exchange of affection intensifies with the approach of the moment when it should pass. Affection becomes our main worry in life; this means that at any moment of the day, and no matter what is going on, our partner occupies a privileged place in our mind and in our thoughts. In fact, we keep, their smell, their softness, their beauty and the feeling of well-being of her in our memory. The brains memory functions by unconsciously repeating information continuously. It is also selective because it keeps in its memory only elements which are important. Since our partner is the most important person in our life, she is a priority in our memory. The fact of memorizing our partner creates a persistent image in our mind, as if she is always present with us. When we think of her, we relive the emotions that she makes us usually experience. By feeling good in her presence, we have very worthy thoughts about her and we think about things that will likely give her pleasure when she will be with us again. When we are worried about her welcoming presence, we see her as prettier and finer than usual. We are urged to call them regularly and to write them letters to know how she is doing. During prolonged absences from our partner, it is important to respect the principal of continuity. In fact, a loving relation evolves in such a way that we are more and more loving over time. No matter how much time and distance separate us from our partner, we are linked by the emotions that we share with them. On the other hand, if our partner leaves us for a week and that we are only thinking of busting out and trying to forget her by going to see dancers all while drinking, it is because we were not emotionally linked with her. Moments apart should serve to find ourselves as an individual and to research ourselves to become more energized and available for our partner. It is from our emotional link that we worry about her. Our feelings make we appreciate her value. We realize how good we feel in her presence and how important she is for our self. When we are in the presence of our partner for too long, we forget how much she brings us happiness.
Suffering: To live in a loving relation, we must be able to tolerate suffering and manage it. Being tolerant to suffering means that it is not a source of anxiety for us. The fact of having been deprived of love and affection during our childhood leads us to experience much suffering when we are adults. It is thus for this reason that supporting the surplus of suffering that a couples relation can bring becomes impossible. Consequently, this explains the difficulty in getting involved in a love life. A couple where both people come from a dysfunctional family is bound for failure. Because for each of them, they become more of a source of suffering than a source of well-being and they are unable to mutually support each other. They must heal their childhood wounds with psychotherapy on the one hand, and have the will to get away on the other to even think about succeeding as a couple. There is a difference between suffering coming from a childhood wound and one that comes from a relationship. The first corresponds to suffering not comforted by parents, for example, the fact of not having been held in the arms of our parents when we needed it. It is suffering that we carried with us til the time that we can take care of ourselves at an adult age. While in a loving relation, suffering is not a source of anxiety because we are sure that our partner can comfort us. A loving relation is very reassuring because we did not accumulate suffering. Suffering is a form of potential energy that we manage by channeling love towards our partner. In practice, this is realized by thinking about the happiness that they bring us when we suffer. In prolonged absence of our partner, boredom increases energy, which explains the sense of urgency that we have to see our partner again.
Mental imagery Visualization is a form of thought programming allowing us to avoid developing tension in a couple. The positive image that we have for her pushes us to make efforts to better understand her, communicate with her and thus resolve any differences. We must avoid criticizing and controlling our partner in such a way that she thinks like us or does what we consider to be correct.
Listening - Anticipating and predicting
Small favors: Small favors are not things that we make ourselves do just to give pleasure; they are naturally integrated into a loving relationship. So these gestures are made freely and without premeditation on our part to obtain sexual or other favors. By experience, we know that they create an environment favoring physical closeness. A small favor is an opening up of our heart which allows us to be psychologically close with our partner. Paying attention to our partner is taking care of her and considering the relationship as a priority in our lives. Thus, we should plan our schedule in relation to the time that we will spend with our partner and not in function of other activities that we may have. She should come first in our lives and not our preferred television program, not the pool game at the bar, neither work nor friends. A loving relationship is a part-time job. We must devote at least twenty hours to it a week. By consecrating our time as such, we will get a lot out of it from a psychological point of view. We will be less stressed and happier because we will obtain our dose of pleasure by our exchange of affection. The salary of a job, is money and the salary of the attention that we give to our partner is physical and psychological well-being.
Making contact, welcoming, concentration, neutral, taming To welcome our partner, we must be distant from ourselves and forget ourselves for a moment by using two mental techniques. The first is concentration on our own emotional states one hour before meeting her. By being aware of the emotions within us, we can then adjust ourselves more easily to those of our better half. Concentrating on our emotions, is observing how we live and think in order to forget our other worries. In fact, it is important to be present in our interior world to be able to be there for our partner. Finally, we no longer try to solve problems, no matter what they are; we only will feel the emotions which will occur. In the second technique, we must become neutral in our thoughts and emotions some minutes before and after the moment that we come in contact with our love to emotionally be able to welcome her. Welcoming means reacting in a way which corresponds to our partner's emotional mood. In other words, put ourselves at the disposal of her immediate experience. To be neutral consists of many actions. We stop thinking about the things that we are worried about, and we breathe deeply. At the same time, we concentrate on our breathing and on what we are feeling within to contain our emotions. For that, we must show our feelings as little as possible in our words, gestures and facial expressions. We will content ourselves with saying hello and after, as if we stopped time, we fall in a hole of being and in a state of momentary amnesia. We don't look at her and we don't really listen to her, it is as if she stopped existing. This emotional restraint allows us to cut off our emotional state to let another one come in which is more adapted to the one of our partner. But being neutral can seem illogical. We would be more inclined to say that since we are happy to see our partner again, we should express it immediately in words and gestures. However, by going too quickly to kiss her and hold her in our arms, we risk not being adequate. Rather we must give her time to notice our emotional state, because maybe she is not ready for a kiss, which will cause a chill preventing communication. No matter what the duration of her absence (from one to many days), we must always devote a little bit of time at first to gauge her. So, by being neutral, it allows us to gauge her. So, the more we are immobile in our gestures and thoughts, and the less we speak and express emotions, the more we are reassuring to our partner. Taming means taking time to let our good intentions show. During the time when we are neutral, we stop evaluating ourselves and evaluate our partner. We aren't looking to know her mood and we are not looking to ask our partner to fulfill one of our desires or that she takes care of us. Becoming neutral, is to retract into our interior world to let our emotions fall to the level of the stomach. The sensation of a weight in our stomach indicates that we are neutral. By gradually introducing ourselves, the establishment of emotional communication is put in place, which favors an exchange of affection.
Synchronizing our need for affection. Go with the flow for the moment in conjunction with our partner's emotions and allow ourselves to be influenced and relaxed by our partner's presence. This rule concerns the attitude that we should have at all times in the presence of our partner. Since she is the most important person in our life, we have more respect for her. This attitude will reveal itself to be the departure point of our attentive behavior towards her. And one of them consists in letting ourselves go with the current flow and using our partner's emotions. This is possible if we center ourselves on her. In fact, if we only think about our job, we can't follow our partner emotionally. We must center our mind only on our partner. We can discuss anything or nothing, we can speak about ourselves and our worries, but all while taking constant care of her and her well-being. She stays at all times present in our mind like a background. This centering lets us let go of our individuality which is made up of our masks. By letting these fall, we become emotionally transparent and open to our partner's emotions. Recall that a human relation is essentially done at the level of emotions. If while discussing with our partner, we try only to understand the intellectual signification of what is being said, which means we are not in real communication because we are on the defensive. But on not being on the defensive, emotions of our partner will affect our behavior towards her, allowing us to faithfully react to her emotions. When your partner says that she doesn't think you understand her, this doesn't mean that you don't understand the meaning of her words, but rather that you don't feel her emotionally. When I am talking about being there for our partner, it is at this level that I mean. For example, if our partner asks us to go get her a glass of water while we are busy doing something else which we consider important, in being distanced from the relationship, this will bother us and we will tell her that being only two steps from the refrigerator, that she only has to get up herself because we don't understand the emotional message underlying this request. On the other hand, if we are emotionally present, we will understand that our partner needs care. This emotional observation will allow us to establish a relation of confidence necessary for an exchange of affection. It is also reassuring, consciously or unconsciously, for our partner.
Being reassuring Being predictable in a relationship, is also always having the same behavior and the same attitude at all times and in all situations, whether it is when we are happy or in the middle of an argument. For example, if our partner is mad at us, we must accept this until it ends without judging her and then welcome her as if nothing had happened. In fact, by not wanting them to be upset with us, we reassure her because she will feel that we are not making her feel guilty. Always giving of ourselves one hundred percent in all activities that we share and in each exchange of affection that we have, makes up part of a routine that we force upon ourselves to better our relationships. In fact, self-discipline brings stability necessary for a loving relation.
Verbal communication:
Undramatizing conflicts
Joy and laughter
Social relations
Romantic music, romantic films
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