Antropologist Gillian Gillison and her photographer husband, David, document the complexe yet ephemeral performances of a people who use the dramatic arts to record and describe their lives.
Women give the night's first performances: five- to ten-minute portrayals of rivers, wild taro, bandicoots- fastmoving or abundant things of the forest floor that symbolize the fertility of premordial women.
Before marriage and society existed, Gimi myths say, women had easy access to the rain forest, the source of all reproductive power. They did not need husbands to hunt game or to help bear children. Original women had male qualities, animals once were humanlike, and forest and settlement on were indistinguishable. But men began to fight among themselves, creating divisions in the world. Now the sexes are separate and live in hamlets fenced off from the forest. Now men own the game, father children, and dominate their wives.
Photo tirée de la revue National Géographic, Vol. 164, no.2 August 1983 en page 147 et tirée du reportage "Living Theater In New Guinea's Highlands
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