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La chirurgie bariatrique
Les blogs
La chirurgie bariatrique
- Bariatric Surgery: Understanding the Complications, Risks, and Side Effects
- Le miracle de la chirurgie bariatrique
- Mother sues Queensland Health and gastric surgeon for alleged negligence after gastric bypass surgery
- Navigating Bariatric Surgery: Understanding and Managing Short-Term and Long-Term Complications
- Kerry family warns of dangers of weight-loss surgery abroad after death of 38-year-old mother of three
- Gastropleural fistula as a late complication of a leak following sleeve gastrectomy
- Bariatric Surgery, Including Sleeve Gastrectomy, Linked to Fracture Risk
- ENQUÊTE. "Il n'en avait rien à foutre", le lourd passif d'un chirurgien d'Eure-et-Loir
- Gastric Sleeve Surgery Ruined My Life
- 'I regret £10k gastric sleeve and now hate my body more than ever'
- 'Loving' mum-of-two died after gastric bypass surgery as grieving family pay tribute
- Sugar Swing After Surgery: Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia With Possible Nesidioblastosis After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery
- Northern Ireland woman's husband speaks of loss after her death after foreign surgery
- Gastric Sleeve Surgery Ruined My Life: Not Less Than A Horror Story
- Ontario Superior Court finds Brampton doctor liable for negligence resulting in patient's death
- Crime Stories with Nancy Grace: YOUNG MOM DEAD from DIET SURGERY
- Mum dies in Turkey after undergoing weight loss surgery
- Depression After Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery
- Le surplus de peau après une chirurgie bariatrique est fréquent, mais on parle peu de ses conséquences
- Woman's Weight-Loss Surgery Leaves Her With 8% of Her Stomach Left
- Father of a woman who died after having gastric sleeve procedure in Turkey warns against dangers
- Turkey surgery warning as mother-of-four dies after gastric sleeve
- Les déficits en micronutriments après une chirurgie bariatrique
- TRAGIC LOSS Irish mum-of-four, 32, 'starved to death' after gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey as heartbroken family warn of dangers
- News Metabolic benefits of a gastric bypass can fade within months
- Prevalence of Gastroesophageal Reflux Symptoms Post Sleeve Gastrectomy in Al-Qassim Region
- Researchers find how quickly positive metabolic effects of gastric bypass disappear
- Mother-of-two, 54, died in botched operation after going to Turkey for gastric stomach sleeve surgery, inquest hears
- 327 Lbs Mother Underwent 'Gastric Bypass Surgery' To Lose 182 Lbs, Creating More Problems for Her
- Metabolic changes after gastric bypass surgery reverse within one year
- Perte osseuse après chirurgie bariatrique : un risque à considéré
- Les IRM en urgence et la chirurgie bariatrique soumises à de nouvelles normes
- Factors Affecting Patient Adherence to Multivitamin Intake After Bariatric Surgery: Thematic Analysis of Qualitative Data From a Multicenter Study
- HEARTBREAKING LOSS I starved my unborn baby to death after gastric bypass op... and the guilt has destroyed me
- Chirurgie bariatrique : le surplus de peau n'est pas sans conséquence
- Teens who lost weight after bariatric surgery had weaker bones afterward, study says
- Hypoglycemia may occur after gastric sleeve surgery, especially if you've eaten foods high in sugar or fat.
- Hospitalization risks for psychiatric disorders vary for adults after bariatric surgery
- Study: Gastric bypass surgery associated with non-alcohol substance use disorder
- Lisa Marie Presley est décédée des suites de complications liées à une chirurgie bariatrique
- Lisa Marie Presley est décédée de complications liées à une chirurgie de perte de poids
- Chirurgie bariatrique : Lisa Marie Presley serait morte d'une complication de cette opération
- British mum dies alone in Turkish hospital after £2,000 gastric sleeve surgery
- Lisa Marie Presley Died of Complications Years After Weight Loss Surgery
- Lisa Marie Presley's death brings attention to rare complication of bariatric surgery
- Miss America Contestants Recall Disordered Eating, Drug Abuse Due to 'Unrealistic' Body Standards (Exclusive)
- Mum dies in Turkey after 'never waking up from gastric sleeve surgery'
- Teens who lost weight after bariatric surgery had weaker bones afterward, study says
- Is weight loss surgery a magic pill? Can one bariatric procedure solve your obesity problems forever?
- Hair Loss After Bariatric Surgery, Bariatric Surgery Hair Loss Vitamin
- 90 Day Fiancé's Anna Campisi Reveals Why She's "In A Lot Of Pain" As Health Worsens
- Cette femme a failli mourir après une opération chirurgicale en Turquie
- The cause of diarrhea after gastric sleeve surgery and its treatment
- Agrafeuses chirurgicales | Siskinds Law Firm
- Weight loss drugs can lead to muscle loss, too. Is that a bad thing?
- Bariatric surgery may be risk factor for severe headache
- Father, 48, dies within days of gastric sleeve surgery leaving behind devastated family
- 'The £3,500 gastric sleeve I had in Turkey helped me lose 8 stone but now I can't stop binge eating crisps and cheese' - MyLondon
- 'My husband went for gastric sleeve surgery in weight fight and within days he was dead'
- Weight Loss Surgery May Compromise Bone Density and Strength in Adolescents, Young Adults
- Is alcohol and weight loss surgery a risky combination?
- 'I was destroyed both physically and emotionally': Plus-size influencer says she had weight-loss surgery at 14 after watching 'Oprah'
- Chirurgie bariatrique : un risque de perte osseuse chez les ados ?
- Endoscopic Treatment of Early Gastric Obstruction After Sleeve Gastrectomy: Report of Two Cases
- The Family Chantel: Winter Reveals Hair Loss Due To Weight Loss Surgery
- My sister lost 120 lbs - men who said 'you're not good enough' started liking her but she 'drank herself to death' at 44 | The US Sun
- Student suddenly dies from shock after common gastric band surgery in Costa Rica - World News - Mirror Online
- Weight Loss Surgery May Negatively Impact Leukemia Treatment
- Warning as investigation finds at least seven British patients have died after weight loss surgery in Turkey
- Gastropleural Fistula Presenting as a Complication of Gastric Sleeve Surgery: A Case Report
- 'I was 16 stone and got gastric bypass in Turkey - now I can't stop losing weight'
- "Bariatric Beriberi": A Rare Case of Wernicke Encephalopathy Two Weeks After Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
- Chirurgie bariatrique: Une jeune femme décède en pleine opération de perte de poids (image)
- Woman dies after weight-loss surgery
- Woman terrified after Turkey gastric bypass leaves her 'unable to stop losing weight'
- Woman 'drank herself to death' when gastric bypass made her swap food addiction for booze
- My sister drank herself to death after gastric bypass made her swap food for alcohol | Daily Mail Online
- Doctor with suspended license has history of surgical practices deemed unsafe, unsanitary
- Warning as investigation finds at least seven British patients have died after weight loss surgery in Turkey65°-li>Twice As Likely To Get Divorced: Could Bariatric Surgery Ruin Your Relationship?
- I Tried A Supposedly Miraculous Weight Loss Treatment. It Ruined My Life.
- Une femme décède au cours d'une anesthésie à la clinique de Châteauroux, sa famille porte plainte
- ENQUÊTE. "Il n'en avait rien à foutre", le lourd passif d'un chirurgien d'Eure-et-Loir
- VIDEO. Loana se confie sur les contraintes liées à la sleeve
- EN IMAGES | Il perd 365 livres en trois ans de façon naturelle | TVA Nouvelles
- Botched gastric sleeve surgery leaves woman with stomach like concrete
- Opérations bariatriques: attention dépression!
- Cette femme a failli mourir après une opération chirurgicale qui a transformé ses organes en béton
- La chirurgie bariatrique a-t-elle un bénéfice sur la diminution du risque de cancer colorectal ?
- Bowel Impaction After Gastric Sleeve: Causes & Treatments 2023
- Chirurgie de l'obésité : un manque de suivi dangereux
- Suicide and liver risk after bariatric surgery - The Medical Republic
- Influencer who encouraged followers to battle obesity dies after gastric sleeve surgery
- CAN'T STOMACH IT I had botched weight loss surgery at 26st & was left with a stomach so small I couldn't even swallow my saliva
- Influencer who encouraged followers to battle obesity dies after gastric sleeve surgery
- 'I almost died when unborn baby kicked off my gastric band, then I put on 88lbs'
- I flew to Turkey for a £2.7k gastric sleeve surgery...I look great but I was not prepared for how horrendous the pain was | The Irish Sun
- Roux-en-Y gastric bypass tied to risk for alcohol use disorder hospitalization
- Thromboembolic Complications After Bariatric Surgery: Is the High Risk Real?
- Mum-of-three: 'Gastric surgery left me in a coma - I'll never walk again'
- Women more prone to episodes of hypo and hyperglycemia during and after pregnancy after RYGB surgeryIncarcerated Diaphragmatic Hernias After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
- Vertical sleeve gastrectomy increases skeletal fragility in youth, says JCEM study
- Problems with alcohol increase after weight-loss surgery in adolescence
- Constipation is Common After Gastric Sleeve Surgery. Here's What You Need to Know.
- The Prevalence of Depression and Anxiety in Post-bariatric Surgery Patients at King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh
- Belfast woman's warning after 'life destroyed' by stomach surgery in Turkey
- Déficience en vitamines du groupe B : Qui est le plus menacé ?
- L'opération bypass tourne au drame: Etienne, un Anderlusien de 54 ans, décède... «Il était tellement généreux, parfois même trop»
- Paris : plainte après une mort suspecte à la clinique
- La chirurgie métabolique et bariatrique de la mère semble être favorable pour la grossesse mais peut entraîner un sur-risque d'hospitalisation pour insuffisance respiratoire chez l'enfant
- L'hypoglycémie post-prandiale après chirurgie bariatrique : une réponse hormonale qui varie selon l'intervention, gastrectomie sleeve ou bypass gastrique
- Le risque médico-juridique en chirurgie digestive
- Bypass, sleeve... : " On joue aux apprentis sorciers "
- Maryse Deraîche: le décès d'une femme authentique
- 12 ans après une chirurgie bariatrique, elle s'enlève la vie
- Chirurgies bariatriques décevantes et suicides
- 'Mon corps opératoire - une dérive bariatrique', un documentaire qui décortique la grossophobie
- Surgery: Women regret overseas cut-price weight loss ops
- Les inquiétantes dérives de la chirurgie de l'obésité: "Quand on coupe dans l'estomac, on se trompe d'organe"
- Higher risk for hospitalization, mortality in Black, Hispanic patients after Roux-en-Y
- Clinique d'Arcachon : deux médecins jugés après la mort d'un patient
- Obésité : le risque d'épilepsie est accru après une chirurgie bariatrique
- Maryse Deraîche est décédée; sa s½ur livre un témoignage touchant
- Do people who undergo bariatric surgery have a higher risk of epilepsy?
- Weight-Loss Surgery Linked to New-Onset Epilepsy
- Stéphanie et son corps en documentaire sonore
- Dumping Syndrome After Gastric Sleeve | Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
- Ostéoporose post-chirurgie bariatrique : nouvelles recos
- Cheap weight-loss surgery in Turkey under scrutiny after British woman's death
- Man, 25, died 'of internal bleeding' during cheap weight-loss surgery in Turkey
- 3 Reasons Why Diarrhea Happens After Gastric Sleeve Surgery and How to Deal With It
- Obésité - La chirurgie bariatrique peut faire perdre la capacité d'absorber la vitamine B1
- Mon fils est décédé après une opération de perte de poids bâclée en Turquie - comment le soi-disant chirurgien a essayé de l'expliquer m'a laissé abasourdi - Noufelle FR
- Le conseil de l'ordre des médecins "étonné" de la "méfiance" du gouvernement pour la chirurgie bariatrique
- Chirurgie de l'obésité et projet parental: il est urgent d'attendre
- Dark side of cheap surgery in Turkey - including new mum, 26, who died after op - World News - Mirror Online
- Twenty four hours after a client returns from surgical gastric bypass
- Exploring Decision Regret After Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
- Oral Potassium Malabsorption Following Bariatric Surgery
- Obésité : la chirurgie bariatrique soumise à autorisation
- Les aliments interdit après la pose d'un Bypass Gastrique - Dr Servajean
- Gastric Bypass Linked to Younger Onset of Severe Alcoholic Hepatitis
- Bariatric surgery tied to increased vomiting, acid reflux and risk of dental erosion
- Complications after surgery to lose weight, 47-year-old dies
- A Case Report of Wernicke's Encephalopathy Disguised As Limbic Encephalitis: A Clinical Puzzle
- Sleeve Gastrectomy Gets Big Boost After Medicare Coverage Took Effect
- Interview Bypass, sleeve, anneau : "On observe plus de suicides" après la chirurgie pour perdre du poids
- Il pesait 175 kilos : cinq ans après son recours au bypass, Éric regrette
- Is There a Connection Between Gastric Sleeve Surgery and GERD?
- Chirurgie à l'étranger: une Montréalaise meurt après trois mois aux soins intensifs en Turquie
- 'Wonderful' mum, 41, dies after hospital weight-loss operation ends in tragedy
- Voyages médicaux dangereux: aux soins intensifs depuis deux mois
- Vitamine B1 : pourquoi une carence peut être dangereuse, voire fatale ?
- 'My excess skin is making me sick!' This Waikato mum lost 85kg, but she still doesn't love her body
- Miami Realtor Dies After Weight Loss Surgery in Colombia
- Grossesse : il est conseillé d'attendre deux ans après une chirurgie bariatrique pour se lancer
- Long-Term Complications After Gastric Sleeve
- Long-Term Complications After Gastric Sleeve
- Hair Loss After Bariatric Surgery: Why It Happens and What to Do
- An Unusual Long-Term Complication of Bariatric Surgery
- Obésité : les dérives des opérations chirurgicales
- Bath woman at 'high risk of dying' after drastic weight loss surgery
- Study: First-pass metabolism of alcohol occurs in women's stomachs
- World-renowned slimming surgeon dubbed 'the godfather of gastric banding' is sued for millions | Daily Mail Online
- Chirurgie bariatrique : attention aux complications à long terme
- Pyogenic Hepatic Abscess: A Case Report and Literature Review on a Rare Complication of Gastric Sleeve Surgery
- « La chirurgie bariatrique de confort peut parfois tuer »
- High anemia risk persists decades after bariatric surgery
- Men at much greater risk of dying following weight-loss surgery than women, data spanning 10 years suggests
- Hair Loss After Bariatric Surgery: Why It Happens and What to Do
- Bariatric Surgery an Epilepsy Risk Factor?
- Chirurgie bariatrique : le risque de décès est beaucoup plus important chez les hommes
- WEIGHT A MINUTE! I was ecstatic about losing 13st in 11 months... until all my teeth started falling out
- 90 Day Fiancé: Angela Deem's Health Issues Explained'
- VIDEO: Pregnancy following bariatric surgery remains 'high risk'
- Gastric sleeve surgery gone wrong resulted in anorexia for mom of 4
- Rachel is a Christian stay-at-home mommy of 4, who is suffering from a botched gastric bypass surgery that has left her severely internally scarred and fighting for her life.
- Mortality after bariatric surgery 'remarkably worse' for men than women
- Kildare woman opens up about her struggle after eight stone weight loss: body dysmorphia and food intolerance
- What is a gastric band? Alison Hammond went though 'absolute torture' after having one fitted
- Men Die More Often Than Women After Bariatric Surgery
- Woman Claims She Had Gastric Bypass Surgery To 'Please' Husband, But It Turned Into A Nightmare
- Chirurgie bariatrique : le risque de décès est beaucoup plus important chez les hommes
- Raising Awareness of a Silent Danger After Bariatric Surgery
- Une femme entre la vie et la mort après que son médecin lui a dit de "rentrer" chez elle
- Weight Loss Surgery Side Effects: Procedure's Not-So-Glamorous Side Highlighted By Al Roker's Embarrassing Story
- Woman died after gastric bypass surgery at Royal Stoke
- Long-term risk of anaemia after bariatric surgery: results from the Swedish Obese Subjects study
- DentalSlim, l'outil de torture au nom de la lutte contre l'obésité
- Woman loses all her teeth after gastric bypass forcing her to wear dentures at 32
- Bariatric surgery in Mexico turns deadly for Phoenix woman
- Long After Her Gastric Bypass Surgery, This Woman's Weight Loss Wouldn't Stop
- The Post-Bariatric Patient With Complications
- Higher serious morbidity, adverse events among Black patients after bariatric surgery
- A rare case report of late-onset phytobezoar formation following laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy: delayed redo bariatric surgery
- Avoiding pregnancy for 12 months after bariatric surgery
- Complications de la chirurgie bariatrique Ph Montravers Dpartement
- Témoignage : "Après la sleeve, j'ai perdu du poids, mais aussi ma joie de vivre"
- Pourquoi je suis radicalement opposée à la chirurgie bariatrique
- "Opération renaissance" : grossophobie et stéréotypes de genre en prime time
- Chirurgie bariatrique : avant la diffusion d'Opération Renaissance, elles témoignent des lourdes complications possibles
- Opération Renaissance : grossophobe et voyeuriste, l'émission de M6 sur la chirurgie de l'obésité fait scandale
- Opération Renaissance (M6) - Catherine Grangeard : "Cette émission présente l'obésité comme le pire mal qui puisse arriver à quelqu'un"
- J'ai été grosse, opérée, et j'ai eu envie de vomir devant « Opération Renaissance »
- La chirurgie de l'obésité prise à la légère ?
- #PasMaRenaissance : L'émission « Opération renaissance » provoque le malaise sur les réseaux sociaux
- Aspiring nurse died 'self-medicating with painkillers after weight loss surgery'
- Unhealthy Alcohol Use More Common After Weight-Loss Surgery
- Syndrome de Dumping : symptômes, causes, traitements
- Low sperm count post bariatric surgery linked to low zinc, copper and iron
- Woman, 39, who claims gastric bypass left her TOOTHLESS after she lost 13st in 11 months recalls waking up in the morning and 'spitting' parts of them out
- Obese mother who tipped the scales at 364lbs claims a gastric sleeve caused her to become anorexic and left her close to death
- Maradona recovering in hospital, admission not related to COVID-19
- Family of dead man after gastric bypass surgery shout medical neglect
- Bone mineral density changes after bariatric surgery
- Weight loss surgery linked to iron deficiency anemia postoperatively, finds study
- Some bariatric surgery patients don't sense heightened blood alcohol levels
- Weight-loss surgery may release toxic compounds from fat into the bloodstream
- Vitamin D deficiency following gastric bypass
- Woman left on brink of death, 6st and permanently disabled after 'dire' weight loss op
- 27st woman who lived on McDonald's and Greggs says gastric bypass 'ruined her life'
- Biggest benefits of gastric bypass linked to special diet, not surgery
- Strict diet explains metabolic effect of gastric bypass surgery
- Woman blasts Boris Johnson's plans to offer more gastric bypass surgery on the NHS saying it's ruined her life after being hospitalised 120 times since the surgery - and admits she should have 'tried harder' to lose weight
- Ninety per cent of gastric bypass patients suffer side effects
- Incident atrial fibrillation in patients undergoing bariatric surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Two Bariatric Surgery Patients with Odd Post-op Complaints
- The Risks Of Getting Pregnant After Gastric Bypass Surgery
- Mum-of-three who lost child in freak accident dies from gastric bypass complications
- Why do so many people actually get FATTER after weight-loss surgery? It is seen as the easy solution for thousands, but as this worrying special report reveals, it can be the start of even worse problems
- Bariatric Surgery Patients at Greater Risk of Death from Alcohol, Drugs
- TRAGIC WEIGHT BATTLE Brit builder, 25, died 'of internal bleeding' hours after cut price £3,000 weight loss operation in Turkey
- Weight loss surgery is a major operation. And more patients now need it twice.
- Chirurgie bariatrique : face à la hausse, la Sécu serre la vis
- Many teens have low iron, B12 levels years after bariatric surgery
- Bariatric surgery increases risk for colon cancer
- After obesity surgery, more patients returning for another
- Study: Common bariatric surgeries can double peak blood alcohol levels
- After obesity surgery, more patients returning for another
- Weight loss surgery may increase fracture risk
- Gastric Bypass Surgery Increases Risk of Fracture
- Woman dies following adjustable gastric band surgery
- Woman dies following adjustable gastric band surgery
- After obesity surgery, more patients returning for another
- CHIRURGIE BARIATRIQUE : Les effets de l'alcool sont démultipliés
- Bariatric surgeries may change patients' sensitivity to and absorption of alcohol
- Obésité : une chirurgie risquée et insuffisamment contrôlée
- Bariatric Surgery May Be Associated With a Higher Risk for Colon Cancer
- Prévenir la chute de cheveux après une chirurgie bariatrique avec Dermassentiel Cheveux et ongles
- Jordan Dupuis, à c½ur ouvert sur ses troubles alimentaires
- A woman 'starved to death' 10 years after weight-loss surgery, lost 75% of her body weight
- 6 Bariatric Surgery Risks and Complications
- Bariatric Surgery Risks, Complications and Side Effects
- 212-Lb. Carnie Wilson: I Need Help
- Bariatric surgery does not improve overall mental health in adolescents with obesity
- Effets secondaires de la chirurgie bariatrique
- Gastric sleeve hell - I was happier fat!
- Why a gastric band could cost you your marriage: It's a fast way to ditch the pounds. But almost one in five who've tried it ends up ditching their partner, too
- The Dark Side of Surviving Gastric Bypass Surgery: (What Doctors Don't Disclose)
- Ceux qui vous ont dit que la chirurgie bariatrique contrôle la faim, c'est un mensonge
- Surprise finding: Bariatric surgery increases risk of colon cancer
- CHIRURGIE BARIATRIQUE : Elle augmente le risque de cancer colorectal
- Weight loss surgeries: The good and the bad
- Weight-loss surgery may release toxic compounds from fat into the bloodstream
- Enquête sur les fistules gastro-thoraciques après chirurgie bariatrique
- Bariatric surgery may release toxic compounds from fat into bloodstream, study reveals
- Many teens may develop nutritional deficiencies years after bariatric surgery
- Best surgery for long-term weight loss not yet clear
- Israël: un homme se retrouve sans estomac en se faisant opérer le jour de Kippour
- Extreme calorie restriction tied to bone loss in older bariatric women
- Mayo studying why some patients suffer complications after bariatric surgery
- Bariatric Surgery Not Necessarily Cost-Effective in Short-Term
- Le business de la chirurgie de l'obésité dans le collimateur
- Une maman décède suite à une chirurgie bariatrique la laissant incapable de s'alimenter
- Kimberly, maman de trois enfants, meurt de faim après une opération by-pass: «Elle avait peur de mourir d'obésité»
- Mum starved herself to death after gastric bypass operation
- Elle meurt de faim à cause de son by-pass
- La chirurgie de l'obésité va être mieux encadrée
- 'I couldn't eat my emotions like I used to, so I drank them instead'
- Nutritional Deficiencies Common 5 Years After Bariatric Surgery
- Un chirurgien clermontois condamné pour homicide involontaire après le décès d'une patiente opérée pour obésité
- Weight loss surgery no guarantee of better mental health, study says
- Patients more likely to seek psychiatric help after weight-loss surgery
- Bariatric Surgery May Compromise Mental Health
- Chirurgie de l'obésité : la HAS recommande de ne plus réaliser une technique de bypass gastrique
- Chirurgie de l'obésité: vers le déremboursement de certains bypass ?
- Obésité sévère : La chirurgie bénéfique, mais pas sans risque
- Obésité : la chirurgie bariatrique démontre des complications à long terme
- Pregnancy after 24 postoperative months of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass presents risk of pregnancy complications similar to pregnancy within the first postoperative year
- Supplements may not prevent long-term nutritional deficiency after bariatric surgery
- Marginal ulcer continues to be a major source of morbidity over time following gastric bypass
- Obese woman who dropped 14st claims weight loss 'ruined her sex life'
- Pregnancy after bariatric surgery may have additional risks
- Risk for poor bone health persists 10 years after gastric bypass
- Weight loss prior to bariatric surgery carries risks
- 'Weight loss before bariatric surgery may increase infection risk
- 'Not the simple way': Coroner investigates healthy Perth woman's death after gastric bypass
- Weight-Loss Surgery Patients More Likely to Die from Alcohol- and Drug-Related Causes
- Drug, Alcohol Deaths Soar After Weight-Loss Surgery
- Bariatric surgery patients may be at higher risk of death related to drug and alcohol use
- Weight-loss patients at higher risk of death from substance use disorders
- Patient suffers mild brain injury after gastric bypass
- 67% women felt angry when body shamed
- Higher Fracture Risk After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Compared With Adjustable Gastric Banding
- Chirurgie de l'obésité : des opérations à risque
- Questions à la Une : chirurgie de l'obésité, maigrir à tout prix ?
- Weight Loss Surgery Won't Fix Mental Health Problems in Teens
- Patient claims she felt 'butchered' by now-suspended doctor
- Tragic mum, 37, took own life after years of mental health issues
- Weight-loss surgery and risk of pregnancy and birth complications
- Obésité : attention, la chirurgie rend les grossesses plus difficiles
- La face cachée de la chirurgie de l'obésité
- FAT TAUNTS TRAGEDY Mum, 37, who got gastric band killed herself after vile abuse from Facebook trolls
- MUSC pays $425,000 settlement after woman dies in bypass recovery
- « Je ne veux pas me faire charcuter l'estomac parce que je suis grosse »
- Bypass Surgery Reduces Micronutrients Related to Bone Metabolism in Obese Patients
- Pourquoi j'ai finalement renoncé à me faire retirer un bout d'estomac pour maigrir
- Appel à témoins - La chirurgie de l'obésité
- Suite au décès d'une patiente, un chirurgien suspendu un an
- A rare case of pancytopenia secondary to copper deficiency
- Le quotidien chaotique d'une habitante de Baboeuf, patiente d'une chirurgie bariatrique qui a dégénéré
- Complications in Bariatric Surgery
- Sullivan, 17 ans, ne peut devenir coiffeur... à cause de son poids: la chirurgie peut l'aider mais ce n'est pas sans risque (vidéo)
- Le RV du Dr Cocaul : sachons garder notre estomac
- Obésité : les dérives du recours à la chirurgie
- Obésité : la chirurgie gastrique n'est pas forcément la solution
- Les inquiétantes dérives de la chirurgie de l'obésité: "Quand on coupe dans l'estomac, on se trompe d'organe"
- La chirurgie bariatrique ne résout pas l'apnée obstructive du sommeil
- Alcohol Abuse After Bariatric Surgery Common, Concerning
- Décès après un bypass : Jana, 25 ans, devait se marier le 29 juin prochain
- Gerda Dunkel was 82kg when she had bariatric surgery to lose weight. She died two weeks later
- Weight loss procedure shrinks both fat and muscle
- Girl dies after surgery to look thin on wedding day
- Bride-to-be dies after having gastric bypass surgery to look thin on wedding day
- La chirurgie de l'obésité en 5 chiffres
- Obésité : pas de chirurgie sans accompagnement - L'envers du décor dans 7 à la Une
- Bariatric surgery linked to increased mortality risk in cirrhosis
- Chirurgie de l'obésité : quels risques pour la santé si l'on reprend du poids ?
- Georgia woman nearly died after botched tummy tuck left her with life-threatening infections
- Flesh eating bug ate chunks of woman's stomach after tummy tuck
- Le reportage d'Alain Gravel sur la sollicitation politique du mari de Pauline Marois respectait les normes déontologiques, confirme la commission d'appel <
- More Biliary Disease With Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery
- Chirurgie bariatrique : avantages et inconvénients sur le long terme dans le diabète de type 2
- Obésité : les dangers de la chirurgie
- Bone loss, deterioration persist 5 years after gastric bypass
- "Ce n'est pas un long fleuve tranquille" : des patients racontent leurs difficultés après une chirurgie de l'obésité
- Bypass et alcool : cocktail explosif
- Laura perd 60kg grâce à son opération mais a failli mourir quelques semaines plus tard: «Personne n'a décelé la septicémie»
- Une mère de famille au régime se suicide après avoir atteint son poids idéal
- CHIRURGIE BARIATRIQUE et risque de FRACTURE : Mais pourquoi les patients opérés tombent plus souvent
- Mother killed herself after dropping 20st from gastric surgery
- L'Igas s'inquiète des dérives de la chirurgie de l'obésité
- The Inconvenient Truth About Weight Loss Surgery
- Calcium supplement formulations similarly ineffective for normalizing parathyroid hormone following bariatric surgery
- Botched bariatric surgery
- Aretha Franklin est morte suite à des complications après sa chirurgie bariatrique
- Thirty percent increase in risk of fracture after gastric bypass
- Bariatric surgery: For whom and why not all should go for it
- Gastric bypass surgery associated with increased fracture risk
- Un chirurgien de Laon mis en cause après plusieurs opérations ratées
- Chirurgie de l'obésité : trop d'opérations inutiles
- Un chirurgien de l'obésité poursuivi par une quarantaine de patients
- Popular TV actor Kavi Azaad dies of cardiac arrest
- Screen Gastric Bypass Patients Due to Bone Effects?
- Chirurgie bariatrique: un risque accru de dépendance à l'alcool
- Chirurgie de l'obésité : trop d'opérations inutiles
- Chirurgie de l'obésité : des hypoglycémies aussi fréquentes mais plus graves après bypass gastrique Roux-en-Y versus sleeve gastrectomie
- Fixing botched bariatric surgery by removing entire stomach
- Le Havre : enquête après la mort d'une patiente dans une clinique
- Obésité : la chirurgie est-elle vraiment efficace ?
- Woman's brush with death highlights concerns over discount weight loss surgeries in Mexico
- La N-VA veut trouver d'autres solutions que l'opération gastrique pour soigner les patients obèses
- Melbourne grandfather died a week after gastric-bypass surgery
- Ce type de traitement est considéré par les compagnies d'assurance comme l'équivalent d'une rhinoplastie, soit un traitement superficiel et facultatif Bariatrique
- Weight loss surgery may cause significant skeletal health problems
- Weight loss surgery may harm bone health, says study
- A hernia after my C-section nearly killed me and left a huge HOLE in my stomach
- Waiouru woman say weight loss surgery not an easy option
- I starved my unborn baby to death after gastric bypass op... and the guilt has destroyed me
- L'opération bariatrique qui a tourné au cauchemar
- Bariatric surgery can lead to changes in relationship status
- Gastric Bypass Surgery Linked to Increased Risk for Nonvertebral Fractures
- La chirurgie bariatrique augmente (modestement) le risque de suicide et d'automutilation
- Chirurgie bariatrique : elle augmente le risque de maladie inflammatoire de l'intestin
- La chirurgie de l'obésité augmente le risque de fractures secondaires
- Chirurgie bariatrique : les patients opérés plus à risque de souffrir d'intestin irritable
- Décès d'une patiente suite à une sleeve : 6 médecins interdits d'exercer
- Le risque de décès suite à une chirurgie bariatrique
- Connaître les enjeux et les risques liés à la chirurgie bariatrique
- New glucagon delivery system reduces episodes of post-bariatric surgery hypoglycemia
- Gastric bypass surgery left me in living hell says dad
- Weight loss surgery: do the benefits really outweigh the risks?
- Risk for Suicide, Non-Fatal Self-Harm Increased After Bariatric Surgery
- Mum says gastric band operation 'destroyed' her life after weight plummeted to less than 6-stone due to eating disorder
- Après le décès d'une patiente, six médecins de la clinique de Mainvilliers sanctionnés par le conseil de l'ordre
- La chirurgie de l'obésité a explosé, pas toujours pour le meilleur
- Gastric bypass destroyed this woman's life and left her with an eating disorder
- Pourquoi je me demande si on n'opère pas trop de patients souffrant d'obésité
- 'Why I Regret My Weight-Loss Surgery'
- Chirurgie de l'obésité : un manque de suivi dangereux
- Debt, pain and more surgery: The true cost of gastric band procedure hyped as weight-loss fix
- Secondary hyperparathyroidism prevalent after bariatric surgery
- La chirurgie bariatrique réduit la tolérance à l'alcool
- OBÉSITÉ : La chirurgie bariatrique réduit de moitié la tolérance à l'alcool
- Bariatric Surgery Linked With Prolonged Post-op Opioid Use
- La chirurgie de l'obésité fragilise les femmes face à l'alcool
- Woman dies after bariatric surgery
- Anemia Common After Bariatric Surgery
- 10 years after surgery, most who didn't seek post-op care developed anemia
- La chirurgie bariatrique altère la qualité du sperme
- More research needed into the long-term impact of weight loss surgery
- Bariatric surgery associated with semen abnormalities and reduced fertility in men
- 5 deaths associated with gastric-bypass procedure spur FDA warning
- Insurance company told to foot Rs 3 lakh weight loss surgery bill
- BMD loss, not vitamin D changes, observed after bariatric surgery
- Bariatric surgery associated with increased intra-abdominal infection, UTI risk
- Gastric band surgery linked to additional surgeries
- Il est urgent de lutter contre la « grossophobie »
- Trinity teacher continues remarkable recovery after surviving sepsis
- Lap band surgery isn't as effective as it claims to be
- Why Drinking Problems Develop After Gastric Bypass Surgery
- One in five surgical weight-loss patients take prescription opioids seven years after surgery
- Nearly 20 percent of gastric band patients face additional surgeries, study finds
- Gastric bypass surgery is linked to alcohol problems
- Jusqu'à 40% des chirurgies bariatriques vouées à l'échec
- Pas plus heureux, même après avoir perdu 275 livres
- Cutting edge: bariatric surgery may do more harm than good
- Mama June rushed to hospital after stunning fans with weight-loss
- Patient dies of complications from gastric bypass surgery
- Des chirurgies bariatriques inutilesc
- Jusqu'à 40% des chirurgies bariatriques vouées à l'échec
- Patient misdiagnosed with rare neurological side effect in retracted case study
- Neurological symptoms might have a surprising cause: vitamin deficiency
- Increased Nonvertebral Fracture Risk After Roux-en-Y Bypass
- Maternal gastric bypass may be linked with low birth weight babies
- Depression Before Bariatric Surgery Predicts Subsequent Health-Related QOL
- «Le by-pass n'est pas la solution miracle!»
- Post-Bariatric Surgery Changes in Vision
- Weight loss surgery may lead to stomach problems
- After gastric bypass surgery, many experience eating difficulties
- Weight Loss Surgery Linked to Long-Term Digestive Issues
- Weight loss surgery linked to gastrointestinal complaints
- Real lives: 'My gastric band nearly killed me'
- Chirurgie de l'obésité: Les patients seraient mal informés avant une opération
- What The Real 'Before' And 'After' Looks Like For Weight-Loss Surgery (NSFW)
- Chirurgie bariatrique : 4 patients sur dix négligent le parcours préopératoire
- La chirurgie "bariatrique" - "psychiatrique" ?
- 'It's ruined my life': Woman says she REGRETS having a gastric bypass at 16 - and says doctors should encourage children to lose weight naturally
- Women who had gastric bypass more likely to deliver dangerously underweight babies
- Episodes of Dizziness, Weakness After Bariatric Surgery
- La chirurgie de l'obésité augmenterait le risque d'une naissance prématurée!
- Un chirurgien de Pierre-Boucher radié trois mois en raison du décès d'une patiente
- Fracture Risk Up for Patients Undergoing Bariatric Surgery
- Does Bariatric Surgery Raise Fracture Risk?
- Effects of alcohol increase after gastric bypass surgery
- Bariatric surgery increases risk of depression and self-harm
- Jamie Lee Ducker, 33, of Fulton, passed away on Sunday July 3, 2016, due to complications of gastric bypass.
- Mort de l'acteur Ron Lester à 45 ans: Il luttait contre l'obésité, perdant 150kg
- Bariatric Surgery May Increase Risk of Renal Allograft Loss
- Mum who shed 11 stone after her kids were bullied over her weight HATES the saggy skin drooping from her body
- 'My skin looks like a puddle around me': Mum reveals pain of having 3 STONE of excess skin after massive weight loss
- Queensland woman left with 6 STONE of excess skin after weight loss surgery
- Weight-Loss Surgery Depression Mental-Health Risk After
- Obésité : la chirurgie explose mais ce n'est pas une solution miracle
- Use of Psychiatric Drugs Rises After Gastric Bypass
- Man weighing 200kg dies after weight loss surgery
- Another patient death blamed on infamous St. Pete weight-loss surgeon
- After gastric bypass, use of psychiatric drugs may rise
- Woman has regrets over Mexico surgery
- Man dies of heart attack after bariatric surgery
- Woman have majority of obesity operations
- Ex-cop John P. Heaney testifies in double death case: Didn't know the impact of surgery on alcohol use
- Gastric bypass was my quick fix ... but it's starving me to death
- Il laisse un bout de latex dans l'abdomen de sa patiente
- Stafford family's 18 months of torment after hospital death
- Activists Accuse Bariatric Surgeons of Endocrine Disruption
- Weight-loss op man's death due to neglect, coroner rules
- Researchers to study link between gastric bypass and alcohol abuse
- Gastric Bypass: It's About Money, Not Health
- Senior NHS weight-loss surgeon struck off after six patients die in horrific circumstances
- Hausse de 273% des chirurgies bariatriques depuis 2006
- 'Vicious cycle' led to death of pregnant woman, inquest hears
- Bariatric Surgery: Kidney Stone Risk?
- Symptoms, hospitalizations common after gastric bypass
- Employment Mavens: Is "Extreme Gas" A Disability"
- Suicide risk after bariatric surgery overlooked
- Increased dietary fiber better diabetes solution than gastric bypass surgery
- Chirurgie bariatrique : des risques de dépression fréquents
- Symptoms Reported by 89% Who Underwent Gastric Bypass Proceduree
- L'homme le plus gros du monde décède à 38 ans
- Weight Loss Surgery May Increase Fracture Risk
- World's fattest man dies of heart attack
- Les 3 complications de la chirurgie de l'obésité les plus courantes
- Roux-Y Gastric Bypass Increases Risk of Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency
- Malnourishment a risk after weight loss operations
- OBÉSITÉ: Chirurgie bariatrique, image de soi et risque de suicide
- «Les leggings devraient être interdits aux grosses»
- A rare complication following laparoscopic Roux &Y gastric bypass: intussusception case report
- Depressed mum died after developing malnutrition following husband's death
- Chirurgie de l'obésité : ne pas sous-estimer les conséquences psychologiques
- Chirurgie de l'obésité et risque de suicide : "Le suivi psychologique n'est pas toujours respecté"
- Is Farting Protected Under ADA?
- Weight Loss Surgery May Increase Risk Of Suicide, Self-Harm
- Self-harm emergency risk increases after bariatric surgery
- Un quart des opérations anti-obésité échouent
- Chirurgies bariatriques décevantes et suicides
- Tout savoir sur le dumping syndrome
- Fourmies : le centre hospitalier opérait-il de faux obèses ?
- Cash Investigation épingle le centre hospitalier de Fourmies
- Rugeley gastric bypass surgery woman 'left with tubing in body'
- Le chirurgien de Laon mis en examen suscite la controverse )
- Interdit d'exercer après plusieurs décès, un chirurgien de Laon fait appel
- Why Do More Women Than Men Have Weight-Loss Surgery?
- Weight Loss May Be Fleeting With Lap Sleeve Gastrectomy
- Bariatric surgery procedure lowers tolerance for alcohol
- Bariatric surgery linked with lower BMD, bone mineral content
- 'I didn't want to believe I'd played a part in losing my babies': Woman whose 29-stone frame caused 14 miscarriages is hoping for more children after gastric bypass surgery
- Obese patients are risking life-long trauma warns a top doctor who says gastric band operations are no weight loss 'panacea'
- Evaluating Patients for Risk of Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency After Gastric Bypass Surgery
- TWhy Chinese women like me aren't ashamed of our body hair
- Obésité. L'emballement pour la chirurgie
- Dossier : les dérives de la chirurgie de l'obésité
- Dear Pharmacist: Learn nutritional effects of gastric bypass
- L'exercice négligé par les ex-obèses
- Woman in coma after botched surgery in Mexico
- Weight Loss Surgery and Women's Osteoporosis Risk
- $9.4M awarded to Michigan City woman for botched gastric bypass surgery
- Operation that gets you drunk quicker: Patients who undergo certain type of gastric surgery have more rapid uptake of alcohol
- Why don't more men get weight loss surgery?
- Transférée cinq fois d'hôpital
- Changement de vocation : la Fondation du Dr Ronald Denis poursuivie par des donateurs
- Un chirurgien sur trois prêt à une chirurgie de l'obésité sans raison médicale
- Weight-loss operation warning as gastric surgery hits four-year high
- Weight-loss operation warning as gastric surgery hits four-year high
- Gastric bypass teen: 'I lost 10st but my saggy skin is ruining my sex life'
- Weight-Loss Surgery May Not Always Help With Depression
- Chirurgie de l'obésité : quels sont les risques ?
- Obese Woman Who Lost 280 Pounds In One Year After Gastric Bypass Dies Of Starvation
- Mum died after gastric bypass weight loss surgery
- Woman who lost weight following gastric bypass has to undergo surgery AGAIN after allowing doctors to insert a feeding tube into her stomach because she was 'malnourished'
- Jill Strasburg, 'Oprah Show' Guest Who Lost 170 Pounds, Got Devastating News Following Gastric Bypass Surgery (VIDEO) Devenue infertile
- Magnesium deficiency a silent epidemic
- Experts: Weight-loss surgery not an easy way out
- Vitamin Deficiency After Bariatric Surgery Can Lead To Eye Complications
- 6 Bizarre Things Nobody Tells You About Weight Loss Surgery
- Lengthy surgery increases blood clot risk
- What's Eating Like After Weight-Loss Surgery?
- Transférée cinq fois d'hôpital
- Opérée à répétition pour corriger une erreur
- Opérée à répétition pour corriger une erreur
- Gastric Bypass Surgery Is No Cure For Depression
- The Emergence of Eating Pathology after Bariatric Surgery: A Rare Outcome with Important Clinical Implications
- Vitamin deficiency may persist after Omega-loop gastric bypass
- Obésité, chirurgie, dépendance alcoolique...
- Chirurgie de l'obésité : des pratiques inquiétantes (France)
- Le boom de la chirurgie bariatrique sous surveillance de l'Assurance maladie
- Sur le long terme, la chirurgie bariatrique ne serait pas « économique »
- Former 26 stone woman says gastric band has ruined her life and left her malnourished
- Témoignage : de la sleeve au fauteuil roulant !
- Why I'm opposed to weight-loss surgery
- Relatives discuss Hilary Lane's death from complications after gastric bypass surgery
- Gastric surgery led to tragic mum's death at the age of just 46
- OISE Obésité: quand l'opération chirurgicale ne règle pas tout
- Un jeune homme de Shawinigan, qui pesait 400 livres il y a deux ans, refuse de subir une chirurgie bariatrique pour maigrir, comme lui a suggéré son médecin.
- Témoignage sleeve : « J'ai failli mourir deux fois » !
- Bariatric surgery may increase depression for some
- Jury to weigh fault in gastric bypass death
- Bariatric Surgery May Prove a Risk Factor for Intense Headache
- Weight loss surgeries are not a 'cure' for diabetes, some ethics experts say
- Complications from Gastric Bypass Surgery
- Témoignage by-pass : « j'ai perdu 90 kilos et ce n'était pas que du bonheur ! »
- Quand le bypass devient un cauchemar !
- 3 die after weight loss surgery abroad
- Woman's life debilitated from bariatric surgery side effect
- Gastric bypass surgery a slow killer
- Mum died after gastric bypass operation which allowed her to have child she always dreamed of
- Why Weight Loss Surgery is NOT a Sound Treatment Choice for Type 2 Diabetes
- Gastric Bypass Surgery risques, complications et dangers
- Hypoglycemia common after bariatric surgery
- Bariatric surgery and mental health
- Le ministre de la Santé, Gaétan Barrette encourage la mutilation physique qu'est la chirurgie bariatrique
- Problème de poids: régime ou bistouri?
- La chirurgie de l'obésité fait fondre les kilos mais aussi les os
- Elderly man dies after kick in the stomach
- Are surgeons hiding the deadly risks of obesity surgery?
- Témoignage : la chirurgie pire que l'obésité
- John Pinette, stand-up comedian, dies at 50
- Gastric Bypass Death Rate
- jenn purviance on Tumblr
- Weight-loss surgery may not ease chronic heartburn
- Gastric surgery increases risk of alcoholism
- Walkden woman dies five years after gastric bypass operation
- Plate Full of Addictions
- Tragedy as mother who had gastric-bypass surgery so she could give birth dies from rare infection 'caused by the operation'
- Mum, 38, dies after gastric band surgery
- Gastric bypass linked to hair loss, skin problems
- Grossesse : la chirurgie de l'obésité double le risque de prématurité
- 'My gastric bypass almost killed me': Woman, 25, plummets to FOUR STONE after surgery damages her stomach
- Jury Awards $178 Million for Botched Gastric Bypass
- Bad Plastic Surgery - Don't make the same mistakes I did! Society doesn't know what beauty is! clip
- The Gastric bypass dilemma
- My gastric bypass nearly killed me: Woman now has to eat 5,000 calories a day to stay alive
- Former Overweight, Now Anorexic Malissa Jones Speaks Against Gastric Bypass Surgery
- Severe hypoglycemia - complication of gastric bypass surgery
- Starvation fears of gastric bypass mum who can't stop losing weight
- Grossesse : la chirurgie bariatrique déconseillée aux femmes obèses
- Man dies in Al Ain after having gastric bypass
- Woman's sight, mobility damaged after gastric bypass surgery
- Study Suggests Gastric Bypass Causes Glucose Spikes, Crashes
- Chirurgie bariatrique : y a-t-il un risque de carences ?
- Low vitamin D levels linked to persistent diabetes after gastric bypass
- Bariatric Surgery and Alcoholism clip
- Man with gastric bypass nearly dies in Rikers clip
- Acute Psychotic Disorder After Gastric Bypass Surgery: Differential Diagnosis and Treatment
- Study shows that gastric bypass raises kidney stone risk
- Gastric bypass killed my mum and put me in a wheelchair
- Gastric Bypass Reduces Diabetes but Causes Other Complications, Study Says
- gastric bypass gone a bit wrong part 1 clip
- Woman Surviving After Dropping to 62 Pounds
- Ici on explique clairement le but du brochage d'estomac: une mutilation physique dans le but de contrôler le comportement alimentaire, ce n'est pas une opération curative
- Obésité : l'inquiétant essor des opérations de l'estomac
- Leeds woman has to eat 5,000 calories a day after gastric op goes wrong
- Detroit Lakes woman unable to gain weight to undergo 10 hour surgery
- Sur le long terme, la chirurgie bariatrique ne serait pas « économique »
- Chirurgie de l'obésité : 8 patients opérés sur 10 sont des femmes
- Chirurgie bariatrique 8 patients sur dix sont des femmes âgées en moyenne de 39 ans
- Message à toutes celles se sentent forcer à subir un brochage d'estomac
- Mother, 28, wins £35,000 after gastric bypass surgery left her in a coma
- Weight Loss Surgery Side Effects: Procedure's Not-So-Glamorous Side Highlighted By Al Roker's Embarrassing Story
- Obese Scunthorpe man died after having gastric bypass
- VIDEO: Detroit Lakes woman struggles after gastric bypass surgery
- La famille de Maya Khoury, une jeune femme qui est décédée des suites d'une chirurgie bariatrique, poursuit deux chirurgiens de l'Hôpital Pierre-Boucher pour près de 800 000 $.
- 4 Nutrition Deficiencies Caused By Gastric Bypass Surgery
- Approximately ~85% of bariatric surgery procedures are performed on women
- Why We Oppose Weight-Loss Surgery
- Bariatric surgery not a cure
- Bariatric Surgery Does Not Reduce Health Care Expenses
- Chris Christie calls gastric bypass surgery "too risky:" What are the risks?
- Choking Death Linked to Gastric Bypass Surgery
- La CHIRURGIE de l'OBÉSITÉ pourrait favoriser l'abus d'alcool
- La chirurgie bariatrique n'est pas sans danger
- Erreur médicale Elle a eu l'estomac perforé
- Obese mother who refused to stop eating after having gastric bypass choked to death on food that couldn't fit into her stomach
- Weight-Loss Surgery Increases Risk of Alcohol Addiction
- Contre l'obésité sévère, on plie aussi l'estomac
- Vaut-il la peine de souffrir pour être belle?
- Erreur médicale Elle a eu l'estomac perforé
- Britain's fattest teenager now ANOREXIC and given six months to live after gastric bypass surgery
- La pose d'un anneau rend dépressif
- Courtney Love souhaitait qu'on lui installe un anneau gastrique, mais ses docteurs ont refusé.
- Mario Meunier aurait préféré ne jamais subir de chirurgie bariatrique.
- La chirurgie bariatrique entraîne un déficit en vitamine B1 qui cause une encéphalopathie de Gayet-Wernicke & Wernicke encephalopathy after bariatric surgery
- About 40% of patients who have weight-loss surgeries
- Les risques liés à la chirurgie bariatrique
- Le brochage d'estomac dans un but esthétique: inacceptable
- I
agree that gastric bypass surgery is something like a stomach
amputation, and that it may be viewed one day as something as insane as
- Articles About the Fraud Of Bypass Surgery On Just One of the Karl Loren Webs
- Un homme meurt des suites d'une grave erreur médicale